Letters to the Editor
Editor’s note: Operative Dentistry usually receives mail pertaining to published articles after publication. However, when “Minimum Instrumentation for Conservative Operative Procedures” was received (and now published in this issue), it was sent to a reviewer who violated the confidentiality entrusted him by allowing unauthorized persons to critique the paper. Although this procedure transgresses protocol, we are publishing a few excerpts of diverse response stimulated by this paper but are withholding names in deference to legal advice.
“Outraged and Tasteless” I am outraged at this tasteless attempt at satire. I would like to remain a member of the Academy of Operative
Dentistry, but I wish to cancel my subscription to the Journal. The editor must be MAD.
Another wrote from Jacksonville, Illinois, signed G VB, I am totally dispirited and feel like rolling over.
And, the Dean at Northwestern hastily wrote, This [article] signaled a black day in our ivory halls. A narrow cavity preparation is the product of a narrow mind. But academically speaking, a merry isthmus to all.
And finally from a happy reader, … best article I have read in Operative Dentistry. That’s one issue that’s not going into my bird cage. I understood every word, but I am having trouble explaining this to my friends.